Types of software licenses: a guide for startups and growing product companies


In software development, licensing is more than a legal formality—it’s a critical factor that shapes how software is used, modified, and distributed, both for your own products and any third-party tools you integrate. The wrong choice of license can lead to unexpected costs, hinder growth, or cause legal complications. On the other hand, the right licensing model can open up opportunities for innovation, smoother integration, and greater flexibility in product development.

When making licensing decisions, it’s important to consider your product’s direction. Are you building a scalable platform designed to integrate with other tools, or focusing on a standalone, proprietary product? Will your business benefit from open-source collaboration, or is it essential to protect your intellectual property and revenue streams?

In addition to selecting the right license for your own software, it’s equally important to comply with the licenses governing any third-party tools or integrations. Whether you’re incorporating open-source libraries or using commercial APIs, each license comes with its own set of rules. Failing to follow these can lead to legal risks or unexpected costs. Compliance with third-party licenses is just as crucial as managing your own.

Whether you're licensing your own software or selecting third-party tools, a solid understanding of software licensing is essential to avoid roadblocks and seize opportunities.

What is a software license?

A software license is a legal agreement between the creator (or owner) of a software product and the end user. It establishes the terms under which the software can be used, modified, and distributed, ensuring that both parties are clear on their rights and obligations.

Software licenses aren’t one-size-fits-all. Some licenses grant users almost complete freedom to use, modify, and redistribute software, while others impose strict limitations. These varying levels of permissions and restrictions form the framework within which your company operates, particularly as your product evolves. A permissive license might allow for rapid innovation and customization, while a restrictive one may offer more control but limit development flexibility.

Why software licensing is critical for product companies

A software license serves not only to protect intellectual property (IP) but also to provide legal clarity on how your software can be used. Whether you're releasing your own product or incorporating external code, the right license ensures you remain within legal boundaries and avoid potential disputes.

It’s important to decide on a license early in the development process, ideally before you share or distribute any part of your code or product. If you're developing open-source software, selecting a license from the start ensures that everyone who contributes, uses, or modifies your product is clear on their rights and obligations. For proprietary software, having a clear licensing structure from the beginning will protect your IP and prevent unauthorized use or modification.

However, the license you choose affects more than just IP protection—it shapes your overall business strategy. Some licenses support rapid adoption and open-source collaboration, while others align with commercial models focused on revenue and control. Deciding early on the level of access to grant users and developers will influence how fast your product grows and how competitive it becomes.

For third-party software, the license determines how you can integrate those tools into your products. Open-source software may offer flexibility but could require you to share your modifications. Proprietary software, while less flexible, typically comes with robust support and fewer legal uncertainties, making it easier to scale without compliance concerns.

Core elements of a software license

While different licenses have unique provisions, most cover the following critical elements:

  • Usage rights: What are the allowable use cases? Can the software be used for personal, commercial, or nonprofit purposes?
  • Modification rights: Can you modify the source code to fit your needs? Open-source licenses typically allow modification, but proprietary licenses often restrict or forbid it.
  • Distribution rights: Can you share the software with others, either within your company or as part of a commercial product? Some licenses allow redistribution with few limitations, while others might impose strict rules or fees.
  • Liability and warranty: Many licenses include clauses stating that the software is provided "as-is," meaning the licensor doesn’t guarantee that the software will work as expected.

Key licensing considerations for product companies

After understanding what a software license is, you need to think about how different licenses will affect your business. If you're creating your own software, or if you're using third-party tools, you need to make sure your licensing options match your business model and your long-term plans. In this part, we'll look at the important factors that help you make these decisions.

Business model alignment

The choice of software license should align closely with your business model and long-term goals. Whether you’re developing and licensing your own software or incorporating third-party tools, the type of license you select will influence how you generate revenue and interact with users.

For example, if you're developing proprietary technology like an AI-based API or a SaaS platform for monetization, a restrictive license might be necessary to control distribution and modification of your code. This is common with startups offering subscription-based APIs or cloud services, where control over the intellectual property and preventing unauthorized modifications are critical for maintaining competitive advantage.

On the other hand, if your business thrives on open collaboration or relies on third-party integrations, permissive open-source licenses like the MIT or Apache License can drive faster adoption. For example, startups developing frameworks for blockchain or machine learning often benefit from open-source licenses, as they allow developers to build on the technology, contributing improvements and accelerating development.

For third-party tools, choosing the right license is equally important. Proprietary technologies such as AWS Lambda or Google Cloud’s BigQuery offer stable infrastructure with strong support but often restrict customization and lock you into the vendor’s ecosystem. Open-source technologies like Kubernetes or TensorFlow, by contrast, offer flexibility for customization and integration, though they may require more in-house expertise to manage and maintain.


As your company grows, scalability becomes a major consideration. Open-source licenses typically provide the flexibility to adapt and modify the software as your needs evolve. This is particularly beneficial when working with technologies like PostgreSQL or Redis, which allow startups to scale infrastructure without being locked into a rigid solution. Startups in rapid growth phases can modify the underlying code to optimize performance or meet specific operational requirements.

On the other hand, proprietary technologies like Firebase or Twilio may offer structured scalability options with strong technical support, but they often come with limitations in terms of customization. As your business scales, these platforms can become costly or may not fully adapt to your evolving technical needs, leading to challenges when integrating custom features.

Legal risk and compliance

Understanding the legal risks associated with each license type is crucial. Open-source licenses like the GNU General Public License (GPL) require that any modifications you make to the software are also open-sourced. If your startup integrates GPL-licensed code into a proprietary product, you could be legally obligated to open-source those parts of your product, which could compromise your competitive advantage.

For example, if your company builds a custom software component using an open-source framework like OpenCV (under GPL), failing to comply with the GPL could force you to release your proprietary modifications. To avoid this, many startups opt for permissive licenses like MIT or BSD, which provide more freedom without the obligation to open-source modifications.

Proprietary licenses come with their own legal challenges. If you're using third-party cloud services or APIs like Stripe or SendGrid, the usage terms and restrictions in their licensing agreements can affect how you build and distribute your product. Failing to comply with these agreements—whether it’s exceeding the usage limits or violating API terms—can result in legal disputes or termination of services.

Vendor lock-In

Vendor lock-in is a key concern when relying on proprietary platforms. As your company grows, migrating away from a specific technology stack can become technically difficult or financially unfeasible. For instance, if your entire infrastructure is built on AWS, switching to another cloud provider like Azure or Google Cloud could involve costly rewrites and migration efforts, as well as disruptions to your operations.

To mitigate this risk, many startups look to open-source alternatives such as Docker for containerization or ElasticSearch for search functionality. These technologies give companies more control and flexibility over their infrastructure and minimize the risks associated with vendor lock-in, as they allow you to shift between environments without being tied to a specific provider.

Alternatively, consider a mix of proprietary tools and open-source software that supports open standards. Finding the right balance helps avoid over-dependence on a single type of vendor.

Innovation and integration

Licensing plays a crucial role in fostering or limiting innovation. Open-source licenses encourage rapid innovation by allowing developers to modify, extend, and integrate software without restrictions. Technologies like Node.js or React are popular among startups because their open-source licenses enable rapid experimentation, adaptation, and the ability to integrate with a wide range of third-party services.

However, open-source solutions also come with their challenges. While the flexibility of technologies like Kubernetes or Apache Kafka allows for deep customization, they often lack the structured support and documentation found in proprietary services. This can slow down innovation, as developers may need to spend additional time troubleshooting or maintaining complex systems.

On the other hand, proprietary solutions like Algolia for search or Auth0 for authentication offer well-documented APIs and strong support, enabling faster development and integration. However, they can also limit innovation, as customization is often constrained by what the platform allows, and you’re dependent on the vendor for new features and updates.

Key types of software licenses

Software licenses come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, with different rules and consequences for developers, businesses, and users. Let's have a closer look at the main types of software licenses—from proprietary to open source—and discussing their main features, benefits, and potential drawbacks.

Proprietary software licenses

Proprietary licenses give the software owner full control over how the product is used, modified, and distributed. Typically, these licenses don’t provide users with access to the source code, and any modifications or redistributions are strictly prohibited unless explicitly permitted by the owner.

For companies developing proprietary software for commercial use—such as a SaaS platform or a subscription-based service—a proprietary license ensures full ownership and control over the product. This type of license is commonly used when the primary goal is to protect intellectual property and generate revenue through sales or subscriptions.

For example, a startup developing a proprietary AI-powered customer service tool might use a proprietary license to prevent competitors from accessing or modifying the software. This allows the company to maintain a competitive edge while generating revenue through licensing or subscriptions.


  • Strong control over intellectual property.
  • Reliable revenue streams via licensing or subscription models.
  • Access to dedicated support and updates for users.


  • Limited flexibility for end users who cannot modify or customize the software.
  • Risk of vendor lock-in, making it difficult to switch platforms.
  • Higher upfront or subscription costs for customers, which may slow adoption.

Permissive open source licenses

Permissive open-source licenses—such as the MIT License, BSD License, and Apache License 2.0—allow users to freely use, modify, and redistribute the software with minimal restrictions. These licenses enable developers to integrate the software into both open-source and proprietary projects, offering maximum flexibility.

Startups that rely on rapid adoption and community engagement often choose permissive licenses to encourage widespread use. For instance, a company developing a machine learning framework might opt for the MIT License, allowing developers to build upon the framework and integrate it into their own projects, whether they are open-source or commercial.

This flexibility makes permissive licenses especially popular in startups looking to foster innovation and build a large user base quickly. A technology like Node.js, licensed under MIT, allows developers to freely use it for both proprietary and open-source projects, promoting adoption without restrictions on how it can be utilized.


  • Encourages innovation and rapid adoption across industries.
  • Flexible for both open-source and proprietary integrations.
  • The Apache License also offers patent protection, safeguarding users against legal claims.


  • No requirement to contribute modifications back to the community, which may result in fewer community-driven improvements.
  • Less control over how the software is used commercially by others.

Copyleft open source licenses

Copyleft licenses, including the GNU General Public License (GPL) and the Affero General Public License (AGPL), are more restrictive in nature. These licenses require that any derivative works or modifications to the software be distributed under the same license, ensuring that the software and any adaptations remain open-source.

For companies that prioritize community collaboration and want to ensure the open nature of their software is preserved, copyleft licenses are often the best choice. For example, a startup developing an open-source content management system (CMS) might use the GPL to ensure that any modifications or improvements made by others remain publicly available under the same terms.

This requirement to retain the same license, often referred to as the "viral" nature of copyleft, ensures that all derived works contribute back to the open-source ecosystem. You only need to share modified code if you distribute the software outside your company, and internal use of modified GPL software doesn't require you to open-source those changes.

However, this can be a challenge for startups looking to integrate GPL-licensed tools into proprietary products, as they would be required to open-source any modifications they make to the software.


  • Ensures that improvements and modifications remain available to the public.
  • Encourages community-driven development and collaboration.
  • Prevents commercialization of open-source software without contributing back.


  • Unsuitable for companies aiming to keep their code proprietary.
  • Limits the use of the software in commercial or proprietary environments.
  • SaaS products integrating copyleft software (AGPL) must open-source their software, which can be a deterrent for some businesses.

Lesser General Public License (LGPL)

The Lesser General Public License (LGPL) offers a middle ground between permissive licenses and copyleft licenses. Unlike the strict GPL, the LGPL allows developers to use and link LGPL-licensed libraries in proprietary software without requiring the entire software to be open-sourced. However, any modifications made to the LGPL-licensed library itself must still be made open-source under the same license.

This makes LGPL a popular choice for startups that need to integrate open-source libraries while maintaining the proprietary nature of their own software. For example, a company developing a proprietary video editing software might use the LGPL-licensed FFmpeg library for video processing. The company can keep its video editing code closed-source while still benefiting from the open-source library, as long as any modifications to FFmpeg are made publicly available.


  • Allows integration of open-source libraries into proprietary applications without open-sourcing the entire product.
  • Encourages use of open-source components in commercial software.


  • Modifications to LGPL-licensed components must be made open-source.
  • May still impose some restrictions for companies aiming for full control over their software stack.

Freeware and shareware licenses

Freeware licenses allow users to access and use software for free, though the source code is usually not provided. Shareware licenses, on the other hand, offer a trial or limited version of the software for free, with the option to pay for continued use or to unlock full features.

Many early-stage startups offering productivity tools or basic utilities use freeware or shareware licenses to attract users quickly. A company might release a free version of a time-tracking app with basic functionality, while offering a paid upgrade for more advanced features. This model helps build a user base while still generating revenue through premium services.


  • Low barrier to entry, encouraging quick user adoption.
  • Potential for generating revenue through premium features or extended use.


  • Typically lacks access to the source code, limiting customization.
  • Unpredictable revenue streams, as users may not upgrade after using the free version.

Strategic licensing decisions for product companies

Now that we’ve covered the fundamentals of software licenses and explored the key types, it's time to look at how startups can make informed licensing decisions that align with their growth strategies. For early-stage companies, licensing isn’t just about legal compliance—it's a tool that can influence how you scale, innovate, and protect your intellectual property.

The right licensing choice depends on factors like your business model, product roadmap, and whether you're building proprietary software, leveraging open-source tools, or integrating third-party technologies. Each licensing path comes with its own opportunities and risks, from encouraging community collaboration to safeguarding proprietary assets. In this section, we’ll explore how to navigate these decisions.

Early-stage considerations: flexibility and low cost

At the early stage, startups often prioritize flexibility and cost-effectiveness over strict control of intellectual property. The need to iterate quickly, adopt new technologies, and integrate with other platforms means that more permissive licenses, such as MIT or BSD, are usually preferable. These licenses allow you to modify and redistribute software without heavy legal constraints, which is ideal when you’re trying to build an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) or rapidly develop new features.

Early-stage startups typically lack the resources to build everything from scratch, making open-source software an appealing option. With open-source licenses like MIT or Apache, you can leverage existing codebases to speed up development while maintaining the flexibility to adapt the software to your specific needs.

However, relying on open-source software comes with risks, particularly if you're unaware of the legal obligations tied to licenses like GPL. Early-stage companies must ensure that their use of open-source code doesn’t inadvertently force them to open-source proprietary work. Establishing good legal practices early—such as keeping track of the licenses of third-party libraries—can prevent compliance issues as you scale.

Key takeaway:

  • Focus on speed and low overhead: Use permissive open-source licenses to reduce costs and avoid the legal complexity of more restrictive licenses. But ensure that you have basic license management in place to avoid legal pitfalls.

Scaling companies: support and vendor relationships

As your startup scales, your licensing needs will evolve. At this stage, reliability, support, and integration become top priorities. While open-source tools can remain a core part of your infrastructure, scaling startups may also start to integrate proprietary solutions that offer enterprise-grade support, regular updates, and extensive documentation.

  • Open-source vs. proprietary at scale: While open-source software can provide flexibility, scaling often involves more complex systems that require stability and robust support. Proprietary software is often preferred for critical systems because it comes with guaranteed support and service-level agreements (SLAs). However, balancing this with the risk of vendor lock-in is crucial—once you commit to a proprietary solution, switching costs can be high, both financially and operationally.
  • Vendor lock-in risk: Vendor lock-in becomes a significant concern as your company scales. When using proprietary software, it's essential to evaluate the long-term viability of the vendor and ensure that your business can either negotiate favorable terms or have an exit strategy. Open-source alternatives can provide a way to mitigate this risk by offering the flexibility to switch vendors or modify code internally.

Key takeaway:

  • Prioritize support and scalability: At this stage, you may need a mix of open-source and proprietary tools. Ensure that your licensing strategy accounts for the support needed to maintain mission-critical systems while avoiding excessive vendor dependency.

Long-term risk management: innovation vs. legal security

As your startup matures, your focus will shift from rapid innovation to managing risks and ensuring that your intellectual property is protected. At this stage, proprietary licenses that protect your software’s source code may become more attractive if you’re looking to maintain a competitive edge. However, startups relying heavily on third-party open-source software must also ensure that they comply with any legal obligations tied to these licenses, particularly if they plan to commercialize their product.

  • Compliance with open-source licenses: The GPL and similar licenses require any modifications or derivative works to be open-sourced under the same terms. If your business depends on proprietary innovation, ensuring compliance with these licenses is critical. Violating a license’s terms could result in legal action or force you to open-source proprietary components, potentially undermining your business model.
  • Patent protection: If your startup operates in a field where intellectual property is highly valuable, such as biotech or AI, you may want to consider licenses that provide stronger legal safeguards, such as the Apache License, which includes clauses to prevent patent-related lawsuits. Ensuring that your software is protected from IP challenges will be crucial for long-term growth, especially if you plan to seek venture capital or strategic partnerships.

Key Takeaway:

  • Balance innovation and IP protection: Choose licenses that allow you to innovate while securing your intellectual property. For businesses relying on proprietary technology, prioritize licenses that protect against legal risks, including patent-related challenges.

Collaborative projects: leveraging open source for community growth

For startups building platforms that rely on community engagement or open collaboration, choosing a license that encourages contributions while maintaining some level of control can be a strategic advantage. Open-source licenses like GPL can foster innovation by ensuring that improvements made by third parties are shared back with the community. However, for startups that wish to maintain control over certain proprietary aspects, more flexible licenses such as the Mozilla Public License (MPL) can allow a blend of open and closed-source components.

  • Collaborative vs. proprietary goals: If your startup’s success depends on an open ecosystem—such as a developer platform or open-access APIs—an open-source model like GPL could be advantageous. It encourages community-driven development while ensuring that improvements remain open. On the other hand, if you need to maintain some level of proprietary control over key features, MPL might offer a better balance.

Key takeaway:

  • Encourage collaboration without losing control: If community engagement is central to your business model, select open-source licenses that ensure continued innovation while allowing some proprietary control for commercial strategies.

Adapting licensing strategy over time

As your startup evolves, so too should your licensing strategy. Early-stage companies might start with permissive open-source licenses to encourage rapid growth, then gradually transition to proprietary licenses as they develop proprietary IP. Conversely, a startup initially focused on proprietary software might open up some aspects of its codebase to encourage community involvement or integrate more open-source tools as its ecosystem grows.

  • Reevaluating licenses: It’s essential to periodically review your licensing choices as your product offerings, target markets, and growth strategies change. For instance, if you initially adopted GPL-licensed software, you might need to reassess whether this remains viable as you move toward commercializing your platform. Similarly, as you scale, you might look for proprietary licenses that offer more comprehensive support.

Key takeaway:

  • Evolve your licensing strategy: Licensing is not a one-time decision. Continuously evaluate whether your current licenses still align with your business goals and future trajectory.

Common licensing pitfalls and how to avoid them

Navigating the landscape of software licensing can be challenging, and startups often encounter pitfalls that can lead to legal risks, unanticipated costs, or limitations on growth. Understanding these common mistakes can help you avoid unnecessary complications and set your business up for success. In this section, we will explore the most frequent licensing pitfalls and provide strategies to avoid them.

Vendor lock-in: limited flexibility and high switching costs

One of the biggest risks associated with proprietary software licenses is vendor lock-in. This occurs when your startup becomes overly dependent on a particular vendor’s software, making it difficult or expensive to switch to another solution. Vendor lock-in can arise when the software is deeply integrated into your systems, or when licensing fees become prohibitively expensive as you scale. If the vendor decides to raise prices, discontinue the product, or change the terms of service, your business could face significant disruptions.

How to avoid it:

  • Plan for flexibility: Choose software solutions that provide open APIs and are compatible with other systems, so you can migrate more easily if needed. If possible, avoid proprietary software that locks you into a single ecosystem without alternatives.
  • Evaluate long-term costs: When evaluating proprietary software, consider not just the upfront costs but also potential long-term fees, including support, updates, and renewal charges. Ensure that the software’s total cost of ownership aligns with your growth plans.
  • Use hybrid solutions: Consider mixing proprietary and open-source solutions to reduce dependency on a single vendor. Open-source tools can offer flexibility and can serve as an exit strategy if a proprietary vendor relationship becomes untenable.

Ignoring copyleft clauses in open-source software

Open-source licenses like the GNU General Public License (GPL) come with strict “copyleft” provisions, which require that any modifications made to the software are also distributed under the same license. This means if you incorporate GPL-licensed software into your proprietary product, you may be obligated to release your modifications as open-source. Startups that fail to comply with these terms can face legal action, reputational damage, or even the forced open-sourcing of proprietary components.

How to avoid it:

  • Understand the license before use: Always review the license before incorporating open-source software into your product. Understand what is required of you, particularly regarding redistribution and modification.
  • Separate proprietary code: If you must use open-source software with copyleft clauses, keep it isolated from proprietary code. This separation can help prevent your entire codebase from falling under the same open-source requirements.
  • Use permissive licenses: Where possible, choose open-source licenses with fewer restrictions, such as the MIT or Apache licenses, which do not require you to open-source your modifications. These licenses provide more freedom in how you use and distribute the software.

Unanticipated costs with shareware and freeware

Freeware and shareware can be appealing to early-stage startups due to the low initial cost. However, these types of software often come with hidden costs that can add up over time. Freeware may lack essential features, require upgrades to a paid version for full functionality, or come with poor support. Shareware, which operates on a trial-based model, can leave startups stuck with unexpected fees if they become reliant on the software after the trial period expires.

How to avoid it:

  • Evaluate the full feature set: Before adopting freeware or shareware, assess whether the free version meets your long-term needs. If critical features are behind a paywall, calculate the costs of upgrading versus using an open-source or proprietary solution from the start.
  • Plan for growth: Freeware that works for a small team may not scale as your company grows. Ensure that any software you choose can accommodate your future needs without incurring excessive fees.
  • Review Terms of Service: Be clear on the transition from trialware to a paid solution. Understand the limitations of the trial and the costs you will face if you continue using the software after the trial period ends.

Failure to track and document license compliance

As your startup grows and integrates more third-party software, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep track of the various licenses governing these tools. Failing to monitor and document software licenses can lead to compliance issues, especially if your company is using multiple libraries, plugins, or frameworks under different licensing terms. This can result in unintended violations, legal liabilities, and potential disruptions to your product development.

How to avoid it:

  • Implement license management: Adopt a license management system to track the licenses of all third-party software your startup uses. Ensure that everyone on your development team understands the terms of these licenses, especially when modifying or redistributing code.
  • Conduct regular audits: Periodically review your software stack to ensure that you are complying with all relevant licensing terms. This is particularly important if you are using open-source software with copyleft clauses, or if your company is scaling and deploying the software in new ways.
  • Legal consultation: As your business grows, consider seeking legal counsel to review your software licenses. This can help you avoid costly mistakes and ensure that you are in full compliance with all licensing terms.

Neglecting to protect your own software

While much of the focus is on how to use third-party software, startups that develop their own software often neglect to properly license it for distribution. If you don't choose a clear license, others may use, modify, or distribute your software without your permission, undermining your ability to monetize or control your product.

Once you’ve chosen a license for your product, it's essential to declare it clearly. The standard way to declare a license is by including a LICENSE file in the root directory of your codebase. This file should contain the full text of the license you've selected. Additionally, you should include a brief license notice at the top of each source code file, typically stating the name of the license, the copyright holder, and the year.

For proprietary software, it’s also important to include licensing terms in user agreements and on your website to clarify how your software can be used, modified, or distributed. This ensures there’s no ambiguity for customers, partners, or users about their legal rights.

How to avoid it:

  • Select the right license early: Whether you choose a permissive open-source license to encourage adoption or a proprietary license to protect your IP, make sure to define how others can use your software. This will protect your business from unauthorized usage and set clear guidelines for your users.
  • Consider dual licensing: If you want to encourage broad adoption while maintaining control over commercial use, consider a dual-licensing model. Under this model, you can offer your software under an open-source license for non-commercial use, while requiring a paid commercial license for businesses.
  • Regularly reassess your license: As your product grows, your initial license may no longer fit your business goals. Periodically evaluate whether a shift is needed—such as moving to a dual-license model or introducing a commercial tier.

Overlooking legal and compliance requirements for regulated industries

Certain industries—such as healthcare, finance, and government—are subject to strict legal and regulatory requirements regarding the software they use. Failing to consider these requirements when selecting software can result in fines, penalties, or legal action, especially if the software does not meet industry-specific security or privacy standards.

How to avoid it:

  • Understand regulatory needs: Before selecting any software, ensure that it complies with industry-specific regulations, such as HIPAA in healthcare or GDPR for privacy in Europe. This is especially important if you’re considering using open-source software, which may not always provide the security or compliance guarantees of proprietary solutions.
  • Ensure vendor compliance: If you are using third-party software, make sure the vendor can provide assurances that their product complies with any relevant regulations. This includes reviewing terms of service and support agreements to ensure you’re covered in the event of a compliance audit.

Avoiding these common pitfalls can help your startup make informed licensing decisions and sidestep costly legal and operational challenges. By planning ahead and taking a strategic approach to licensing, you can protect your intellectual property, maintain flexibility, and ensure long-term growth.

Licensing trends and future

As the software landscape evolves, so do licensing practices, driven by emerging technologies, developer preferences, and shifting business models. Understanding these trends is crucial for startups and growing product companies to make strategic decisions that align with the future of the industry.

The rise of hybrid licensing models

One growing trend is the adoption of hybrid licensing, where companies use a combination of open-source and proprietary licenses. This allows startups to release a core product as open-source to drive adoption while offering advanced features or enterprise-level services under a proprietary license.

For example, PostHog, an open-source product analytics platform, is licensed under the MIT Expat License, which allows users to modify and redistribute the software freely. However, they monetize by offering additional enterprise features and services under a commercial license. This model helps startups build a community around their core product while generating revenue from value-added features.

Increasing adoption of permissive licenses

Permissive open-source licenses like the MIT Expat License and Apache License 2.0 are increasingly popular among startups because they allow code to be freely used, modified, and integrated into proprietary projects. This flexibility is particularly appealing to fast-moving startups focused on innovation and rapid scaling.

One relevant example is ASP.NET Core, a cross-platform framework for building cloud-based applications. ASP.NET Core is released under the Apache License 2.0, which allows developers to freely use and modify the framework in both open-source and commercial applications. This permissive licensing has encouraged a wide range of startups to adopt ASP.NET Core for developing web applications, APIs, and microservices, enabling rapid prototyping and deployment without heavy licensing restrictions.

Open source in the cloud era

The rise of cloud-native architectures is reshaping how startups use and license software. Traditional licenses like the GPL, which focus on distribution, don’t always fit well in a cloud-based environment where software is offered as a service rather than a downloadable product. As a result, licenses like the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) are becoming more relevant, especially for startups offering SaaS solutions.

For example, Plausible Analytics and Cal.com both use the AGPL license. This ensures that any company that modifies or uses their software for a SaaS offering must share those modifications under the same AGPL terms. This approach protects their open-source code from being commercialized by others without contributing back to the open-source community.

Licensing for AI and Machine Learning

The rapid growth of AI and machine learning is driving the need for clear licensing models for both software frameworks and datasets. Many AI-focused startups rely on permissive licenses like Apache and BSD for their underlying frameworks, allowing them to build proprietary applications while leveraging open-source innovations.

For instance, Hugging Face, known for its open-source NLP models and frameworks, uses the Apache License 2.0 for its core technologies. This permissive license enables developers to build commercial products on top of Hugging Face's models without needing to open-source their work, which is a common strategy for startups building proprietary AI solutions.

Greater focus on license compliance

As startups increasingly rely on open-source software, managing license compliance is becoming essential to avoid legal risks. Tools for software composition analysis (SCA) like WhiteSource and FOSSA are gaining traction, helping startups track the licenses of third-party components and ensure compliance as they scale.

For example, a growing SaaS platform using multiple open-source libraries—each with different licenses, such as MIT Expat, Apache 2.0, or AGPL—would benefit from using tools like FOSSA to ensure that they are meeting all license obligations. Failing to do so can lead to legal challenges or even being forced to release proprietary code.

Licensing and ethical software

Ethical software licensing is an emerging trend that addresses the social and moral implications of technology. These licenses often include clauses that restrict the use of software in ways that could harm individuals or communities, promoting responsible development and usage.

The Hippocratic License is a notable example, permitting the use and modification of software while explicitly prohibiting use cases that violate human rights or public safety. This approach encourages developers to consider the broader impact of their technology.

By adopting this license, WeTransfer, a file-sharing service, ensures its platform is not used for harmful purposes, such as promoting violence or discrimination. This commitment reflects a proactive stance on ethical responsibility, enhancing the company’s reputation and building trust among users.

The future of SaaS licensing

As SaaS continues to grow as the dominant software delivery model, licensing structures are increasingly shifting from one-time fees to subscription-based models. Many startups offer freemium versions of their products under permissive licenses, while reserving premium features for paying customers.

For example, TinaCMS, a headless CMS for content management, offers an open-source core under the Apache License 2.0, allowing developers to customize and extend the platform. However, they monetize through subscription services that provide advanced features and managed hosting. This model allows startups to attract developers with free access while generating revenue through value-added services and premium tools.


Choosing the right software license is a strategic decision that can significantly influence the trajectory of a startup. For early-stage companies, open-source licenses like MIT and BSD offer the flexibility and low costs necessary to innovate and move quickly. However, as your business grows and your product matures, more restrictive options, such as proprietary or hybrid licenses, may become crucial to ensure long-term scalability, support, and legal protection.

Each type of software license has its own strengths and challenges, and the best choice depends on your business model, development needs, and long-term goals. For example, if rapid innovation is a priority, permissive licenses like the MIT License can allow your team to build without legal encumbrances. On the other hand, if your company relies on integrating third-party tools or commercializing proprietary solutions, licenses like Apache or GPL—with their varying degrees of legal safeguards—may be more appropriate.

Ultimately, software licensing is not just a legal obligation but a tool that can enable growth, innovation, and competitive advantage. By understanding the implications of different licenses, C-level executives can make informed decisions that align with both short-term development goals and long-term business strategy. Thoughtful license selection will not only mitigate risks but also empower your company to scale effectively and avoid costly compliance or operational setbacks in the future.

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